

Most Powerful Person: James Comey(Chinese, Google translate)

He is the most powerful person in the United States(Chinese, China Daily, Google translate)
FBI Director James Comey  (data sheet) 

Now, who is the most powerful person in the United States ? Not the United States President Donald Trump, but the FBI Director James Comey.

According to Bloomberg News reported on March 22, Komi 20 at the hearing for the first time confirmed at the hearing, the FBI is investigating the Russian government suspected of intervening in the US presidential election in 2016 allegations, the investigation began in July last year, the survey, including Trump Whether the members of the campaign team are associated with the Russian side. This means that, in a practical sense, the FBI Director Comey will decide whether the election of President Chuanpu is legal. Which makes Comey become the most powerful person in the United States.

What is the current embarrassing situation? Things have to start from the FBI start the month before the investigation. June 27, 2016, when the Minister of Justice Loretta Lynch in Arizona, Phoenix, an airport runway with Hillary Clinton's husband Bill Clinton secretly talked about 45 minutes. As the Ministry of Justice was investigating Hillary's "mail gate" incident, Lynch had to withdraw from the investigation process.

Lynch's exit allowed Comey to shoulder the dual duties of the "police" and "prosecutors". Since then, Comey first announced the findings for Hillary's "carelessness" but not enough to file a complaint, but on October 28, less than a week before the election vote, claiming that a new e-mail was found to restart the investigation. Since then, the so-called new mail has been confirmed to have nothing to do with the "mail gate" event. But Comey's actions have caused irreparable harm to Hillary's election.

After Trump came to power, the new Justice Minister Jeff Sessions was forced to withdraw from the Russian government's alleged interference in the US election because of improper ties with Russian officials. At this point, the withdrawal of two consecutive judicial ministers, making Comey in the United States has an extraordinary influence in the political arena.

Bloomberg pointed out that this situation is not only in the country governance is useless, that is, the FBI itself is no good. "After the end of the 20-day marathon hearing, but to the public to leave more questions.The incumbent president TRUMP is Comey's object of investigation, which of course is ironic, that help the general election to win the election of Democrats may eventually Congress submits enough tools to impeach Trump, and Washington can only blame ourselves for this troublesome situation.

手握川普政治前途 他才是美国最有权势之人
加国无忧 51.CA 2017323 18:06 来源:中国日报





