


2017414 11:43

号称炸弹之母GBU-43 炸弹。
华盛顿 — 
目前还不知道楠哥哈尔省的这次巨大爆炸造成了多大伤亡和破坏。这个正式名称为大型空爆炸弹Massive Ordnance Air Blast MOAB)的爆炸装置是十多年前研发出来,从未在战斗中使用过。 阿富汗楠哥哈尔省省长的发言人告诉美国之音,当地官员对轰炸计划事先一无所知。
川普星期四在白宫对记者说,我不知道这有没有向朝鲜发出信息,不管有还是没有,都没有什么区别。 朝鲜是个问题,这个问题将会得到处理。
美国国防部的声明说,美军星期四早些时候向伊斯兰国的一个地道设施投掷了GBU-43 炸弹。那个地道设施在阿富汗与巴基斯坦接壤的楠哥哈尔省的阿钦地区。
五角大楼的发言人亚当·斯顿普Adam Stump表示,这是美军在战斗中首次使用这种11吨的炸弹。美国空军根据其英语字母缩写,又称其为炸弹之母Mother Of All Bombs)。

US Drops Largest Non-nuclear Bomb on IS Complex in Afghanistan

US Drops Largest Non-nuclear Bomb on IS Complex in Afghanistan
Last Updated: April 13, 2017 6:30 PM
VOA News

A Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) weapon is prepared for testing at the Eglin Air Force Armament Center on March 11, 2003.

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A U.S. warplane dropped the largest bomb in America's arsenal — a 10,000-kilogram device known as "the mother of all bombs" — on an Islamic State bunker complex in northeastern Afghanistan on Thursday.

No details of damage or possible casualties from the massive blast in Nangarhar Province are available. The Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB) bomb, developed more than a decade ago, had never been used in combat. A spokesman for Nangarhar's governor, Attaullah Khoghyani, told VOA that local officials had not been told of the bomb plans in advance.

From Washington, U.S. President Donald Trump indicated the military strike against IS extremists had his full approval. He dodged a question about the mission's goal, but hinted it may have been intended to send a forceful message to North Korea, which is rumored to be planning another nuclear weapons test shortly.

"I don't know if this sends a message [to North Korea]. It doesn't make any difference if it does or not," Trump told reporters Thursday at the White House. "North Korea is a problem. The problem will be taken care of."

The Pentagon said in a statement that a GBU-43 bomb — its formal military designation — was dropped earlier in the day on an IS tunnel complex in the Achin district of Nangarhar province, near the border with Pakistan.

Pentagon spokesman Adam Stump said it was the first use of the 11-ton bomb in a combat situation. The "mother of all bombs" nickname is derived from the bomb's alternate name, a Massive Ordnance Air Blast device.

"The airstrike was designed to support the efforts of the ANSF [Afghan National Security Forces] and U.S. forces as well as minimize the risk to ANSF and the U.S. forces," Afghan President Ashraf Ghani's office tweeted Thursday. "Precautions were taken to avoid civilian casualties with this airstrike."

Trump said the airstrike in Afghanistan was "another successful event," and noted, "We are so proud of our military."

A short time earlier, White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters the mission against the IS complex was necessary because the U.S. and its allies "must deny them operational space, which we did."
FILE - The GBU-43/B, also known as the Massive Ordnance Air Blast, is launched successfully from a MC-130E Combat Talon I aircraft during a test at Eglain Air Force Base, Florida, Nov. 21, 2003, in this handout photo provided April 13, 2017.

FILE - The GBU-43/B, also known as the Massive Ordnance Air Blast, is launched successfully from a MC-130E Combat Talon I aircraft during a test at Eglain Air Force Base, Florida, Nov. 21, 2003, in this handout photo provided April 13, 2017.

General John Nicholson, commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan, said IS extremists in Afghanistan have been increasing their use of tunnels and underground bunkers to "thicken their defense," and added: "This is the right munition to reduce these obstacles and maintain the momentum of our offensive."

References to North Korea that arose in connection with the Afghan bombing were due to increasing tensions in the area around the reclusive communist state, since there have been signs Pyongyang is preparing to mark an important national anniversary in the coming days — possibly with a long-rumored sixth test of one of its nuclear warheads.

Meanwhile, thousands of U.S. and South Korean troops and heavy weaponry have been mobilized for their largest-ever joint military exercise.

North Korea has threatened war if it sees signs of "aggression" south of the Demilitarized Zone that divides the two Koreas. Trump has warned that the U.S. will no longer tolerate any provocative activity by Pyongyang — presumably by imposing even tougher economic sanctions, but comments by the president and other senior officials have left open the possibility of more direct confrontation.

China, North Korea's only staunch ally, has said tension in the region cannot be de-escalated militarily and has urged Pyongyang to halt its nuclear program in exchange for Chinese protection.


Most Powerful Person: James Comey(Chinese, Google translate)

He is the most powerful person in the United States(Chinese, China Daily, Google translate)
FBI Director James Comey  (data sheet) 

Now, who is the most powerful person in the United States ? Not the United States President Donald Trump, but the FBI Director James Comey.

According to Bloomberg News reported on March 22, Komi 20 at the hearing for the first time confirmed at the hearing, the FBI is investigating the Russian government suspected of intervening in the US presidential election in 2016 allegations, the investigation began in July last year, the survey, including Trump Whether the members of the campaign team are associated with the Russian side. This means that, in a practical sense, the FBI Director Comey will decide whether the election of President Chuanpu is legal. Which makes Comey become the most powerful person in the United States.

What is the current embarrassing situation? Things have to start from the FBI start the month before the investigation. June 27, 2016, when the Minister of Justice Loretta Lynch in Arizona, Phoenix, an airport runway with Hillary Clinton's husband Bill Clinton secretly talked about 45 minutes. As the Ministry of Justice was investigating Hillary's "mail gate" incident, Lynch had to withdraw from the investigation process.

Lynch's exit allowed Comey to shoulder the dual duties of the "police" and "prosecutors". Since then, Comey first announced the findings for Hillary's "carelessness" but not enough to file a complaint, but on October 28, less than a week before the election vote, claiming that a new e-mail was found to restart the investigation. Since then, the so-called new mail has been confirmed to have nothing to do with the "mail gate" event. But Comey's actions have caused irreparable harm to Hillary's election.

After Trump came to power, the new Justice Minister Jeff Sessions was forced to withdraw from the Russian government's alleged interference in the US election because of improper ties with Russian officials. At this point, the withdrawal of two consecutive judicial ministers, making Comey in the United States has an extraordinary influence in the political arena.

Bloomberg pointed out that this situation is not only in the country governance is useless, that is, the FBI itself is no good. "After the end of the 20-day marathon hearing, but to the public to leave more questions.The incumbent president TRUMP is Comey's object of investigation, which of course is ironic, that help the general election to win the election of Democrats may eventually Congress submits enough tools to impeach Trump, and Washington can only blame ourselves for this troublesome situation.

手握川普政治前途 他才是美国最有权势之人
加国无忧 51.CA 2017323 18:06 来源:中国日报



